Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Orange Tabby's Taking Over

Even though kitten season is winding down there are still kids to foster.
Here Meg is having a bonding moment with the fluffy one. This guy likes to race around but since his body is getting bigger and he doesn't have an expertise on using it yet, at times his back end would out run his front end. It especially caught up on him when jumping onto the cat furniture. The folks that adopted him wanted an active kitten which is good because that's what he is.

This little lap junkie is around eight months old. He only stayed with me for four days then he got adopted.

This handsome guy is around two years old. Poor guy found Animal Services to be overwhelming and frightening, so he appeared to be defensive and unfriendly. They thought he was unadoptable and were planning on killing him. He moved in downstairs and hid the first week. I checked on him a couple of times a day to see where he was hiding so I could move his food closer to him. Then after a week he let me know he wanted to be petted. Turns out he is very loving, affectionate, and playful. All he needed was a safe place and some time to see that he could trust me. Now he climbs into my lap, which is something he watched the other guy do.
This guy is such a sweetheart and blends in so well with the family that he will be staying here. He's a keeper!

These two are around five months old. They moved in because they had some health issues. I call the black kitten Jazz. She had a bacterial and viral infection partly due to congestion and had stopped eating. I finally learned how to give sub-q fluids as it took a few more days before Jazz started to eat again. I call the grey kitten Gregory and he is a skinny guy. Gregory had some diarrhea and then got constipated. They both spent two and a half days at the vet but now they are all better.

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