Sunday, April 12, 2009

Five adopted more arrive

I am thrilled to announce that all five of the kittens that were in my bedroom have found great homes in which to explore and discover wonderful adventures.
I miss them already, but I am happy for them.

The two little boys are doing well. Getting bigger of course. Here is an updated photo of Teddy.
"Hello, my name is Teddy, I am addicted to bottled milk formula"

Although Teddy is over two months old he still clings to his bottle. He is seeking a home that will bottle feed him for the rest of his life. And he has such a special personality that he would be worth the extra work.
Meanwhile, his brother sleeps like the contented baby he is because he just had a plate of food all to himself.

The same day that the five beautiful kittens went along their new journeys, a litter of three moved in. They were three weeks old and their mother had stopped nursing. These poor little guys were the hardest ones to work with so far. Poor babies were dealing with an oncoming upper respiratory infection and consiptation at the same time.
I am happy to say that they are all better now. They taught me that cat-itude starts at an earlier age then I imagined. Now if I can just get the guy on the bottom to stop wetting my bed.

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